Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's Your Dosha?

Yesterday I joined my aunt Jeri and my cousins Rissa and Jessica for a twelve-hour road trip to Montana.  The four of us sailed along the long stretch of highway completely entertained for hours by delving into a better understanding of our Doshas.  What is a Dosha?  There are three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) which are part of the 5,000 year-old natural healing system of India called Ayruveda.  A dosha basically describes your constitution ... the whole package of who you are: your body type, your personality, your emotional state, your tendencies. 

My aunt and cousins were quite surprised after taking the Dosha Quiz ( and learning about their individual Doshas to find how spot on their Doshas described them.  Rissa learned that her Dosha is Vata, and better understood why she can be forgetful at times, and felt validated in her cold fingers and toes.  Jessica loved how her Kapha Dosha "pegged" her characteristics so completely.  We all agreed that Jessica's nurturing and loyal nature (a Kapha characteristic) is very apparent (more so in her than in those of us who are Vata and Pitta).  Being a Vata, I loved learning that Vatas are artists and healers because I am pursuing a career in just that: expressive arts therapies.  Jeri as a Pitta enjoyed learning that she should wake up only a half hour before sunrise (as compared to Pitta's sleep cycle which calls for waking up one hour before sunrise).  We were fascinated as we gained greater insight into ourselves and found simple solutions to remedy some imbalances we are feeling and experiencing.  For example, as Vatas, Rissa and I need a regular routine which helps us get to bed by 10pm, and we should wake with the sunrise.  (Read more about the Vata, Kapha, and Pitta Doshas to understand these descriptions:, or by enrolling in the Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training: 

Today we topped off our Dosha study with an invigorating yoga practice in the mountains of Montana at the Spear-O Ranch.  Here's to balance in life and balanced Doshas!

1 comment:

  1. You are the traveling girl! What's your plans for the rest of your time here? I would love a get together with my Kalli!
