Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Yoga Chant to Accompany Your Viewing of the Meteor Showers Tonight

I genuinely loooove yoga chants.  Some of the most beautiful music I've heard is the simplistic and repetitive sanskrit words (mantras) put to a melody.  Yoga chants and mantras are based on the principle that sound has the power to build consciousness and manifest energy to awaken us internally.  "Sacred sound awakens the life force that is within us, sending it out into the world.  Sound in the Sanskrit context takes over the body, and before long you can't tell where your voice ends and another begins, where your body ends and another begins" (Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training Manual -  Additionally, I find the meaning behind the words sung in a mantra when translated to be deep and significant.  Here I share one of my current favorites with you:   Mul Mantra.
One God, the true name, the creator, without fear, without hatred, timeless, self-existent, made known by the Guru.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love your blog.....this is wonderful info! You are divine! <3
